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What is a Root Canal?

Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that relieves pain caused by an infected or abscessed tooth.The inflammatory pulp is taken out during the root canal procedure. After disinfecting and cleaning the internal surfaces of the tooth, a filling is next applied to close the opening.

When is a Root Canal Needed?

Infection of the pulp inside your tooth by oral bacteria necessitates root canal therapy. This typically occurs when a cavity is neglected over an extended period of time. Additionally, it could happen if a traumatised tooth cracks or sustains other damage.

When is a Root Canal Needed?

What are some symptoms that indicate you may need root canal treatment?

Tooth pain that doesn’t go away: Tooth discomfort can be caused by a variety of dental issues. You could require root canal therapy if you experience discomfort deep inside your tooth. Your jaw, face, or other teeth could experience discomfort as well.

Sensitivity to heat and cold:
You may require root canal therapy if your tooth hurts when you eat ice cream or drink hot coffee. This is particularly true if the pain lasts for a long time.

Swollen gums:
Pus may build up around an infected tooth when it is diseased. Gums may become swollen, puffy, or sensitive as a result.
Pimple on the gums: On your gums, you can get a pimple or a boil. An unpleasant taste or odour may result from pus from the infected tooth draining from the pimple.

Swollen jaw: On occasion, pus doesn’t leave the wound site. Your jaw may therefore develop a noticeable swelling.

Tooth discoloration: Your tooth may appear darker if the pulp of the tooth becomes infected. This happens as a result of the tooth’s inadequate blood supply.

Pain when pressure is applied: If you experience discomfort when chewing or touching your tooth, the pulp’s surrounding nerves may be destroyed.

A chipped or cracked tooth: Bacteria can get all the way into the tooth pulp if you’ve shattered a tooth in an accident, while playing sports, or even just by biting down on something hard.

Loose tooth: A tooth with an infection may feel looser. This is because the bone supporting the tooth can become softer due to the pus from the affected pulp.

How Should I Prepare For Root Canal Treatment?

Your healthcare professional can address any inquiries you have about the process before starting your root canal. You can do the following things to get ready for your root canal procedure:

Take all medications as prescribed: In particular, if there is a significant amount of infection present, you can be prescribed antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs a few days before to your consultation.

Don’t smoke: The healing process of your body is hampered by tobacco products. A few days before to your root canal appointment, try to cut out smoking completely if you can.

Eat a healthy meal: It’s a good idea to eat before your visit because the local anesthetic used during root canal therapy will cause your mouth to be numb for a few hours.

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?
The number of appointments needed for root canal therapy will depend on the severity of the infection in your tooth. A root canal typically takes 30 to 60 minutes to perform. A bigger tooth with many roots may require up to an hour and a half of treatment time.
What Happens During the Root Canal Process?
Your healthcare professional will take dental X-rays of the afflicted tooth before starting your root canal. This makes it possible to assess the degree of injury and confirms that root canal therapy is the best course of action. The steps that will be carried out during your root canal procedure are as follows:

Anesthesia. The affected tooth and the gums around it are first given topical anaesthetic to make them feel better. Additionally, sedatives such as nitrous oxide, oral sedatives, and intravenous (IV) sedation are utilised in dentistry to help you unwind. If you suffer from dental anxiety, your doctor might suggest sedation.

Dental dam placement. A tiny rubber dam is put over the area before starting root canal therapy. This keeps the tooth dry throughout the treatment and isolates it.

Access hole. Next, a small opening is made in the crown of the tooth to access the pulp.

Pulp removal. The nerves, blood arteries, and tissues inside the tooth are removed using teeny dental tools.

Shaping the canals. The pulp chamber and root canals are cleansed, sanitised, and shaped once the pulp has been eliminated.

Filling the canals. Gutta-percha, a flexible, rubbery dental material, is then used to fill the empty canals.

Sealing the tooth. Next, a temporary dental filling is placed to seal the tooth and prevent bacteria from re-entering.

Placing the final restoration. Most of the time, a dental crown is required to safeguard the repaired tooth and fix your bite. Crown fabrication typically takes two to three weeks because they are built to order. The temporary filling is taken out and the permanent crown is put in once your crown is ready. In some cases, you might be able to get a crown at the same visit.

Do Root Canals Hurt?
Many patients worry that after receiving root canal therapy, their teeth may hurt. However, the majority of patients have instant alleviation after treatment because the infection’s source is eliminated during the process. Call your healthcare physician as soon as you feel throbbing pain following a root canal.
What should I expect after a Root Canal?
After a root canal, you shouldn’t experience severe pain, although you can experience sensitivity for the first few days. Painkillers, whether prescribed or over-the-counter, can effectively treat these symptoms, which are common. The majority of the time, side symptoms disappear after one to two weeks.
Who Should Perform My Root Canal Procedure?
An endodontist or a general dentist performs root canal therapy (a root canal specialist). Because they have fewer roots, teeth towards the front of the mouth are frequently treatable by general dentists. You can be sent to an endodontist if you require root canal therapy on a tooth with many roots or if your case is complex.
What are the Advantages of having a Root Canal Procedure?

There are several benefits to choosing root canal therapy. This treatment can:

  • Prevent infection from spreading to other teeth.
  • Ease the symptoms associated with an infected tooth.
  • Reduce the risk of jawbone damage.
  • Eliminate the need for tooth extraction.
Are Root Canals Safe?
Root canals are considered safe and effective. This procedure boasts impressive success rates of up to 98%.
What are Common Failed Root Canal Symptoms?

Root canal complications can occur in some cases. This is especially true if your tooth is too damaged for this type of treatment. Failed root canal symptoms include:

  • Pain.
  • Swollen gums.
  • Pus or drainage.
  • Tooth discoloration.
  • Pimple or boil on the gums.
  • Sinus problems.
What if My Root Canal Fails?
Your doctor will discuss your choices with you if your root canal doesn’t work. Root canal retreatment may be an option in some circumstances. Or perhaps it’s time to talk about other options.
What are the Alternatives to Root Canal Treatment?

Tooth extraction is the sole alternative to root canal therapy. It’s preferable to keep natural teeth whenever feasible, but in some cases, extraction may be necessary to protect your oral health.

dental implantdental bridge, or partial can be used to replace the extracted tooth if you are not a good candidate for root canal therapy. Call your healthcare physician for more information about root canal vs. extraction.

How Long Does Root Canal Recovery Take?
Root canal recuperation often takes less than a week. A few days of minor discomfort is possible, although this can be treated with medicine. Call your healthcare physician if you experience extreme pain or discomfort for more than a week.
Can I Eat After a Root Canal?
Yes. It’s advisable to hold off until the numbness subsides, though. The anesthesia’s effects often last a few hours. For the first several days, stick to softer foods like pasta, mashed potatoes, and yoghurt. As your comfort level rises, gradually introduce solid foods. Additionally, you should avoid biting or chewing with the treated tooth. Until your final dental replacement is in place, try to chew with the opposite side of your mouth.
Can You Smoke After a Root Canal?
It is not advised. Smoking impedes the healing process and raises the possibility that you’ll require additional dental work in the future.
What are Some Root Canal Aftercare Tips?
It’s critical to keep the area clean after root canal therapy. Use an antimicrobial mouthwash and regular brushing and flossing to keep germs at bay. You should refrain from chewing on the treated tooth until the permanent crown is in place if you still have a temporary filling in place.
How Long do the Results of a Root Canal last?
Results aren’t guaranteed with dental operations, as they never are. But when root canal therapy is done properly, the effects might continue for a very long period, possibly your entire life.
When should I See My Healthcare Provider?

Call your healthcare practitioner right away if you experience any root canal symptoms, such as tooth pain, swelling, foul taste, or other warning indications. An infected tooth has a better chance of being saved if it is treated quickly.

Regular dental exams also significantly lower the risk of infection. Your healthcare professional can identify issues during these visits early on, before they get worse.

A Note From Dentech Clinic

It can be frightening to have jaw swelling or tooth ache. Thankfully, root canal treatment can eliminate illness at its source, allowing you to recover fast. Call your doctor as soon as you think you may have an infected or abscessed tooth. Quick medical attention can stop an infection from spreading and reduce your pain, allowing you to resume your daily activities.

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